
Tag: Aldo Chimenti


Enigmatic nocturnal creature dedicated to the legacies of archaic knowledge, Caverna delle Rose
recalls in Tenebris Secundis the myth of semi-divine figures, beings of superhuman origin
whose power is not only attributable to privileged relationships with the gods, but who boast magical arts specific to them.

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In caressing the dream of a return to the origins of the Golden Age, Caverna delle Rose looks to the future.
His is a conservative revolution projected forward that shapes the sound matter to give it a new musicality.
In it dwells the ancient spirit of the wise and inspired researcher who dares and reinvents, who experiments the alchemy of possibilities through the tools of knowledge and logos that nourish the mind.
AimA, Evor Ameisie and Diego Cinquegrana deliver a first work that declares itself in the poem with the title it boasts: Elysian Chants.
An orphic oratory in 8 movements that emanates dark and radiant vibrations at the same time. Theater of mystery and Olympic beauty.

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